Horizontal road marking greatly affect the safety of road users. The recipient of our products include individual customers, but also the whole society. The motto of our company is to maintain a high quality standard of our services and to meet the wishes and expectations of our customers, as well as to respond flexibly and quickly to market needs.
We specialize in horizontal road marking. Since the beginning of its activity, the company has been associated with services for road construction as well as transport and mechanical services. We strive to gain and maintain a reputation as a reliable partner and achieve a high position in our industry. Feel free to browse our services for more details
Horizontal road markings
Removal of obsolete horizontal road markings
Measuring the parameters of horizontal markings
Our company deals with professional horizontal road marking. We also perform renovation work such as restoration and removal of obsolete road marking. We have suitable equipment to measure the marking parameters, including night visibility (Rl), day visibility (Qd, β), chromaticity coordinates (x,y), surface roughness (SRT) and thickness.
Made with solvent-based or two-component acrylic paints. The type of materials used depends on customer requirements and needs.
PPUD S.A. company abandons traditional, invasive methods of removing old paint coatings with milling machines in favour of modern, ecological water-based solutions. For this purpose, we use an innovative high-pressure blasting unit from FALCH GmbH mounted on a two-axle trailer.
We have suitable equipment to measure the marking parameters, including night visibility (Rl), day visibility (Qd, β), chromaticity coordinates (x,y), surface roughness (SRT) and thickness.