EU projects

Below is a list of projects implemented by our company and co-financed by European Union funds.

EU subsidies

List of Received Subsidies

Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno – Usługowe Drogownictwa Spółka Akcyjna

implemented a project co-financed under Measure 1.5 Subsidy for Working Capital
Eastern Poland Operational Programme 2014–2020,
co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

“Subsidy for Working Capital for Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Usługowe DROGOWNICTWA S.A.”

Agreement No: POPW.01.05.00-06-0280/20-00

Project Funding: 91 826,46 PLN

Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno – Usługowe Drogownictwa Spółka Akcyjna

realizuje projekt dofinansowany w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Lubelskiego na lata 2014-2020; Oś priorytetowa 3 KONKURENCYJNOŚĆ PRZEDSIĘBIORSTW, Działanie 3.7.
Nazwa projektu: „Wzrost konkurencyjności firmy poprzez wdrożenie wyników badań w firmie PPU Drogownictwa S.A.”
Cel projektu: celem projektu jest podniesienie konkurencyjności i innowacyjności firmy PPU Drogownictwa S.A. na rynku krajowym i międzynarodowym
poprzez wdrożenie wyników posiadanych własnych badań B+R i na ich bazie wprowadzenie do oferty firmy innowacji w postaci nowej usługi:

1/usuwanie oznakowania poziomego metodą wodną oraz wykonanie nowego oznakowania poziomego;

2/usuwanie/czyszczenie metodą wodną.

Agreement No RPLU.03.07.00-06-0009/20-00

Project value: 1 243 117,68 PLN

Dofinansowanie projektu: 606 398,86 PLN

Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno – Usługowe Drogownictwa Spółka Akcyjna

implements a project co-financed by European Funds
“Expansion of the Company PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-USŁUGOWE DROGOWNICTWA S.A. to New Foreign Markets Promoting the Service in the form of Horizontal Road Marking”

Project Description:
After careful analysis of selected markets, PPUD S.A. has decided to expand into new foreign markets, including Ukraine and Finland.
The service that the Company would like to promote in foreign markets involves horizontal road marking. PPUD S.A. is one of the leaders in the market of horizontal road marking, with a large fleet of specialized machinery and equipment. It carries out works commissioned by, among others, Province Roads Authorities, County Roads Authorities, Municipalities and Cities.

In order to make an informed and prudent entry into the Ukrainian and Finnish road marking market, the following steps were planned:
1. Purchase of consulting services, including predominantly marketing services, to help promote the brand in selected markets. This will consist of several service groups:
a) consulting, related to the preparation of market expansion and entry strategy and their market analysis
b) marketing, related to preparing for new markets and promoting products in new target markets
c) purchase of fixed assets in the form of a retroreflectometer together with U-26 and U-27 warning board trailers
d) purchase of intangible assets in the form of applications and GPS
e) customer selection and prospecting
f) in-depth counselling aspects

The duration of the project: 1 March 2021 – 31 March 2022

Project Objectives:
The objective of the project is the internationalization of activities in new foreign markets, i.e. Ukraine and Finland.

Planned Outcomes:

1. Gaining new foreign markets – Ukraine and Finland.

2. Increase revenue through export growth of at least 20% over 2020.

3. Development of business activity thanks to the experience gained through international business cooperation.

4. Obtaining an increase in income, which in turn will allow for new investments, e.g. purchase of new machinery and equipment necessary to increase production capacity.

5. Establishing new international contacts, which will allow for further foreign expansion into new markets.

Project value: 828 097,50 PLN
Contribution of the European Fund:
572 262,50 PLN

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